Coaching Science

According to the Society for Neuroscience, the brain is our body’s most complex organ. Through our life experiences, changes in our nervous system take place and over time we can train our brain to respond differently. As naturally curious beings, we seek to understand and make meaning of the world around us. As our brain […]

What Seeds…..

While I’ve received many well wishes in response to opening my private coaching business soon, making this decision did not happen overnight.  Those seeds were planted the first week of May in 2016. I’ve been tending to them, cultivating them and pruning them since.  Given YOUR goals and dreams, what seeds could you plant now […]

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Navigate Your Inner Compass: Charting a Course to Authenticity


Harness the power of introspection to navigate your inner compass and chart a course to authenticity. Explore what drives you, identify barriers to your true self, and align your actions with your core values. Embark on a voyage of self-discovery and navigate the waters of life with confidence and purpose.